物联网实战:使用树莓派/Arduino/ESP8266 NodeMCU/Python
iii Contents at a Glance Introduction 1 CHAPTER 1 Arduino Cram Session 5 CHAPTER 2 Breadboarding 27 CHAPTER 3 How to Solder 53 CHAPTER 4 Setting Up Wireless Connections 91 CHAPTER 5 Programming Arduino 117 CHAPTER 6 Sensing the World 143 CHAPTER 7 Controlling Liquid 165 CHAPTER 8 Tool Bin 187 CHAPTER 9 Ultrasonic Detection 243 CHAPTER 10 Making Noise 273 Arduino Nano Arduino Nano Front Arduino Nano Rear Overview The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328 (Arduino 动手玩转arduino pdf 是一本比较注重实战的arduino教程手册,作者详细介绍了多个Arduino作品,概念阐述清晰透彻,技巧解析步骤细致,非常实用,感兴趣的朋友快来下载吧! 京ICP备14023444号-1 旗下产品:Linux命令大全 - 准确,丰富,稳定,在技术之路上为您护航! 旗下产品:Linux系统下载 - 权威、纯净、稳定,让技术人员放心使用的系统! 《Linux就该这么学》公布后受到了超乎意料的强烈关注,文章也被读者们无数次的考核着。 Arduino Tutorial in PDF - You can download the PDF of this wonderful tutorial by paying a nominal price of $9.99. Your contribution will go a long way in helping us Nov 7, 2019 - Explore Jeff Snyder's board "Arduino pdf" on Pinterest. See more ideas about arduino, arduino projects, arduino pdf. Este manual aborda todos los conceptos básicos de Arduino y es una excelente guía para todo aquel que quiera iniciarse en este apasionante mundo.
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